Are you starting your own coaching business or any business for that matter? Have you felt like you are on a deserted island because no one around you understands what you are trying to build? When the idea hits us to start a new business, we are full of excitement and full of energy, and motivation. Momentum is rolling.
But as we reach that part where we really are being stretched out of our comfort zone and we start to lose our motivation and things start getting hard, that momentum starts slowing down and your motivation right along with it.
I am going to share with you 3 secrets that will help you stay motivated in your own business especially when you are in the first stages of building it.
Secret #1: Focus on your why
Starting your own business sounded like a great idea, right? Ideas were popping into your head like fireworks on the fourth of July. Everyone around you felt your energy and was excited for you.
But as you started getting into the actual building of the business, people around you grew tired of hearing about your business, mostly because they just don’t understand all the things that are involved in building a business… but as time went on you started feeling like you were on a deserted island and no one around you remotely understood what you were going through.
And when things start to get hard, which they always do when building a new business, it seems like you are working, and working, and working, but you just aren’t seeing the results you wish you were seeing in the time you hoped to see them.
And as that starts to happen, motivation also starts to fade like a shadow on a cloudy day.
A great way to lift that motivation is to turn your focus from you, and onto those, you are wanting to serve. Focus on your why. Why did you want to start your business in the first place? Who are you trying to help, what transformation are you working so hard to be able to give them? What pain are you going to be saving them from? How will they feel when you do the hard things so that you will be where you need to be in order to give the impact you will so graciously give?
TIP: Journaling is a great way to immerse yourself back into your why and bring those feelings of service back up to the surface and reignite that motivation.
Secret #2: Have Go-To Activities When Feeling Low
Having some predetermined activities ready for when you are feeling low is a great resource to have in your back pocket. Listening to some motivational music or podcasts is a great way to boost your motivation quickly.
Some of my go-to activities when I need a motivational kick in the rear are:
Secret #3: Hiring a Coach
So the absolute number one way you can boost your motivation and take your business to new levels than you ever thought possible is by hiring a coach. Whether that be a personal coach that helps you work on your mindset, a health coach that helps you with your fitness and healthy eating, or a business coach that will give you the tools you need to get your business up and running faster without losing time, energy and money.
Coaches can see our potential when we are blinded by our fears or past stories. They give us the much-needed accountability to move our mindset and our businesses forward.
Having someone break down our goals into smaller accomplishable tasks helps us to focus on the smaller step ahead of us instead of the overwhelming mountain of things we know we need to do.
If you would like to watch the Full Video on YouTube you can go here:
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